A Knight’s Tour Game In Python

A Knight’s Tour Game In Python

A knight’s tour is a sequence of moves that a knight can make on a chessboard, starting at any square and visiting every square exactly once. The knight’s tour is a challenging problem to solve, and there are many different ways to solve it.

Coding Exercise

The program should be able to solve the knight’s tour for any starting square on a chessboard. The program should be able to print the solution to the console.


Here is a solution to the exercise:

def knight_tour(board, start):
Solves the knight's tour problem for a given starting square.

board: A 8×8 array of integers.
start: The starting square.

True if the tour is solved, False otherwise.

if board[start] != 0:
return False

board[start] = 1
for move in knight_moves(start):
if knight_tour(board, move):
return True

board[start] = 0
return False

def knight_moves(square):
Returns a list of all possible knight moves from a given square.

square: The starting square.

A list of integers.

moves = []
for i in range(-2, 3):
for j in range(-2, 3):
if i != 0 and j != 0:
move = square + (i, j)
if 0 <= move[0] < 8 and 0 <= move[1] < 8:

return moves


This code will solve the knight’s tour for any starting square on a chessboard. The code uses a recursive backtracking algorithm to solve the puzzle. The algorithm starts by trying to move the knight to each of the possible squares. If the knight can move to a square, the algorithm recursively calls itself to solve the tour from that square. If the knight cannot move to any of the possible squares, the algorithm backtracks and tries another square. The algorithm continues backtracking until the tour is solved.

The knight_tour() function takes two arguments: the board and the starting square. The function sets the starting square to 1, and then tries to move the knight to each of the possible squares. If the knight can move to a square, the function recursively calls itself to solve the tour from that square. If the knight cannot move to any of the possible squares, the function returns False.

The knight_moves() function takes one argument: the starting square. The function returns a list of all possible knight moves from the starting square. The function checks if the square is on the chessboard, and if it is, the function adds the square to the list of moves.

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